Part 27: Summer/Autumn 1994

Always take a banana to a party.
-- Steven Moffat
Last time, Ken and Linda solved a couple of sidequests, among them rescuing a stolen "tiger's claw", the symbol of Koshikata. Although we have a couple of outstanding quests, it seems we're not able to do anything with them at the moment. However, we have a message to listen to that's still outstanding.

In addition to that, as we're standing around...

...we receive another new mesage notification! So let's go and listen to the first outstanding message immediately.

Well, we have met Natasha in the previous scenario as the lawyer who was handling the inheritance for Mr. Orman, after he was assassinated by Emory or one of his Sachiko clones. Let's go and see what she's up to in this version.

Here we are in Dogy Figh. I will definitely never get tired of that name.

We head straight to the Orman family residence area.

As we're walking to where Natasha is, this guy in blue shirt interrupts us.

Ok, sure.

Anyway, Natasha is here, as always.

If you refuse to do the job, it's possible to haggle with her for a bigger reward up to 50,000 G, as a matter of fact. There is actually another part to the reward which the game tells you nothing about, thus enticing you to potentially choose a sub-optimal (for the player) outcome of this subquest. More on that as we go through the quest.
Either way, we have a new quest, so let's check it out.

So our new quest is to "settle the inheritance dispute". The task is to locate Taro's collar and to bring it to Dogy Figh, either to Natasha or to one of the three Orman children. So let's head out.

First we can stop by the nurse...

As we try to leave, we're interrupted by Orman's daugther Pomerania.

Before we leave, we should also check in with the guy in blue who asked to talk to us!

So this is what I was mentioning last time. It's possible to also get a tiger's claw as a reward from this quest, as long as you bring the collar to this guy. However, as we already know, tiger's claw can be obtained in better ways, so this would be a waste to begin with, but you'll see later today actually how much of a waste.

As we continue to make our way out, we're also interrupted by Beagley, the first son.

We've talked about Taro and Jiro before, and so this guy will give you Jiro if you bring him the collar. This is also a waste, as there are other ways to improve your dogs so that they can win the championship. We already have this in our to-do list to tackle at some point.
So these are the four options you have in this quest--depending on who you give the collar to, you will get a different reward. The rewards are all exactly as specified, except of course for the secret extra reward you get if you give it to Natasha.
Before we leave, we'll talk to a few other people to get some hints where we might want to go looking for Taro. Luckily, it's summer, so there are more people around at the moment.

Or this guy here.

So it seems that most people point to Dark River as the location we should look at. However, if you pay attention, you will see that also they are very specific that he would walk all the way through to the south exit. Nurse also mentions Orman hunting for hydras and sea urchins. So the true location is really Samakia, a few steps away from the south exit of Dark River, where, incidentally, also those two species may be found. We'll head there ultimately, but there are a few things to take care of while we're here.

Like over here at the bank. If we're going to be hunting for pelicans, we should not have any money on us, as García told us.

Thefore, I deposit all our money into the bank. Luckily pelicans only care about what you have on your person, so you can safely leave the money in the bank while looking for them!
You might notice also a "well dressed" lady sitting on the sofa there. Let's first talk to the guy at the reception.

Needless to say, this is one for our collection of biblically named rings, and in fact this is the same one that was temptingly offered for sale at the Ozport wedding shop. However, they were selling it for "market value", so we could never afford it. Let's talk to her, maybe she'll be willing to give it to us?

Well, right now our money is in the bank, so I guess 0 G?

I'm sure nobody expected it to be quite that easy, right? Anyway, like everything else, let's put this on our list.
Anyway, before we head out...

...let's listen to that other new message! This one is from Nek.

I love how many of the creepy/weird situations from previous scenarios are turned around in this one as a jokey reference! There will be an even better one later today!
We should really now head out to Samakia and get this sorted. Samakia is located in the southeast in that part of the continent which is blocked out by the mountains. In order to get there, you can walk through Dark River, or you can do as we do...

...and use the teleporter in Holy Hole which we opened some time ago.

As we make our way out of Holy Hole, there is another message notification!

As we make our way to Samakia, there are a couple of species we can catch here.

For example, the cockroaches, which we are already familiar with!

A bit further along, we find a bird species which, however, is unfamiliar to us so far!

Needless to say, these are, in fact, pelicans! Well, that was easy, we didn't even have to go into a cave to look for them!

Pelicans are also a new addition in the remake! Definitely not very dangerous at this point in time, though.

After this, we make our way to Samakia.

Inside, we find out that these guys who sometimes camp out here are back again!

Let's talk to this guy first...

Ken received Taro's collar!

Well then, that was easy. I mean, poor Taro, but still it was easy. Well, "easy" when you know where to go, slightly more difficult if you need to figure it out. Considering that the time in this game is constantly ticking when you're not in town, I have a feeling that a good way to have played this game back in the day on a physical console would have been to keep multiple parallel save files, so you would have one main one where you do everything the most efficiently when you know how, and a bunch of others used simply for experiments and searching. Luckily, in yet another show of mercy, the game allows you to have plenty of save slots, so that's not a problem.
We can now head out, but before we do so, we'll overnight in Samakia and let ourselves get ambushed by hydras!

They still hit pretty hard, but we can manage.
After catching hydras, before we continue with our quest(s)...

...let's quickly head into the ark to hand in the newly caught species.

This brings us nicely up to 62 out of 120, just over half.
While we're here, I make a short stop in Hardia to take our money back out of the bank. We've caught a pair of pelicans, so we no longer have to worry about not carrying any money.
Oh and by the way, in case anybody was curious...'s where our characters are currently at, level-wise.
Anyway, now that we have the collar, we need to decide who we want to give it to. As explained before, if you look at it at face value, giving it to Natasha seems like the worst deal. However, let's do it anyway and see what happens.

However, before that, since we're in the area, I realise there are lot of eagles here. I want to upgrade our weapons a bit while still reatining the ability to hit all enemies at once. Therefore at least for now, we'll switch to using the eagle saber. For that we need to catch 20 male eagles so we can make two weapons for Ken and Linda. I take a few minutes around this lake to do that.

As I was going about that, it also becomes Autumn 1994. But no matter, let's go talk to Natasha.

Ken hands over Taro's collar to Natasha.

You can haggle with her again, and get it up to a maximum of 50,000 if you want.

Ken received 20,000 G!
Ken received Adamade's Ring!
And there it is. If you take one of the other "better" rewards (i.e. give the collar to someone else), then you lose out completely on one of this ring. There is no other way to get it except as reward to this quest when you decide to give the collar to Natasha! To be honest, I don't see this as especially unfair, since it's easy enough to save your game just before and see what happens in each of the four options you have.
Well, I'm not fully accurate here, really. There's a fifth option. You can simply not give the collar to anybody and instead sell it. In that case you get 80,000 G for it.
We can hear a bit more from Natasha...

Seems like all of these people pretty much suck, so at least we got something out of the whole thing.
Anyway, we're done here for now. Before we proceed with checking out our next message, there is one of those little events going on in the world that you can miss if you're not in the right place at the right time. The right time is, of course, now, and the right place is Ozport, or more precisely, the downstairs bar. So let's head quickly there!

Turns out, there's a new duo performing here! Let's talk to the guy at the table first, to find out more about this.

Ah, so that kind of act. Also regarding the names, I'm not exactly sure if Soeur stands for anything (other than meaning "sister" in French), but Peeco is most likely a reference to a Japanese talent personality of the same name who often appars as part of a double act with his identical twin brother Osugi since the mid-1970s.
Anyway, let's talk to Soeur first.

After making a selection, you will simply hear again one of the two songs from the closing credits from the first two scenarios. They are the exact same versions as heard over the credits.
Anyway, talking to Peeco:

Of course, this was the "keyword" which brought linda back out of her "trance" in Scenario A!
And that's all. It's really just a silly little bit as part of "things happening in the world", but which doesn't really have any further significance than that.
However, there's one other thing we can do while we're here.

First let's check out that notice by the door.
Floor ladies wanted!
Experience preferred! Ozport Hotel bar "Limelight".
Amusingly, this advert is written almost entirely in kanji, even going so far to write "limelight" as 来夢来人. Like last time, here too, characters are used simply for their phonetic value with no regard to the meaning.
Leaving that aside, we've been told that the key to this door has been lost. However, the key to the safe we obtained last time in García's lair can be used to open it!

Inside are, of course, two chests. Let's open the first one.
Ken obtained the storeroom key.
And the second one...
Ken obtained the key to the memories.
So this locked room has two chests in it and both chests simply contain... more keys! Yes, despite the odd name, the second item is really simply a key that opens a door. In fact, we'll just go and use it right now!

We're going to Linda's house in Minago!

On the first floor was this locked room here which looks like it's just being used for storage. It can be opened with the "key to the memories". If we look around...

It's an item that goes into our inventory. We can examine it:
The book about Earth
The book contains pictures of Earth which Linda showed Ken many times when they were children.
So it's just the book that Linda was reading in the prologue video. It's just a small easter egg and has no other purpose in the game. Hume and Ann have nothing new to say, so we don't need to talk to them.

On our way out we can check the news bulletin.
The late Liberty Orman's estate was inherited by his wife Natasha (22). The total cash value of the inheritance is said by sources to be over 60 billion.
While we're here, we also have a new message to listen to! It's from Ben!

Haha, this is almost identical to the message he sent us in Scenario A, when Linda lost her memories! The only thing is that the name is changed to Sachiko!
Allrighty then, let's head over to Hospico.

Before we see Nek, we can get still a couple more tidbits from NPCs here.

Like this pregnant lady here.

Not quite sure how that is supposed to work, but let's just move on... the roof, where this elderly gentlemant seems to be stealing the underwear that supposed to be drying here! I mean, he's clearly holding someone's bra in his hand!

Remind me again why we came here to talk to this guy?
Well, let's just go and see Nek.

He's in the same hospital room that everyone else always ends up in!

They swap clothes, so that Ken is now wearing the Santa suit.

We will indeed, but first...

...let's equip our new eagle sabre on Ken for a nice increase in attack power.

And the same for Linda, of course.

Laguna Lodge it is then.

Inside, we find Emory in his lab.

And, Emory launches into a big story...

Obviously, as far as the game is concerned, this is a new quest.

Our task is to "rescue Sachiko", and as mentioned, we're supposed to bring the data disk and the 100,000 G and wait in front of the payphone at the G-Factory entrance. Surprisingly we have basically until the end of the scenario in 1999 to accomplish this. For the reasons which should become obvious later in today's episode, you almost definitely want to get on this immediately, rather than wait that long.

G-Factory it is.
As we wait here, soon the phone rings. Obviously, we'll pick up.

Next stop is Paraside. Like in G-Factory, the phone soon rings.

As before, in order to get to Garex, the simplest way is to travel to Dogy Figh and the use the "shoot" service directly to C-21.

Right here. You can even see it on the map.

Anyway, let's go inside.

Before we go and find Sachiko, let's explore for a moment. If we go under the roof of that half-ruined building in front of us...

...there's a staircase that we can descend on here.

It leads to two chests. The first chest contains an armadillo drill, a weapon (it's actually weaker than what we have). But the second...

We certainly seem to be amassing quite a collection of these! If only we had an idea what they might be used for!

Anyway, having done that, we can head over to our true destination, which is here in the corner.

This is the same place we've visited in the last scenario, so we'll simply take the lift down, as usual.

And then one more floor down...

...and I guess we've found Sachiko!

You can go a bit back and forth with him like this, but then...
Having no choice left, Ken puts the disk and the money on the table.

The kidnapper takes the things.

He starts running and takes Sachiko with him!

But is then pushed back by Nek suddenly appearing.

Both Ken and Beatray are hypnotised and start spinning in place!

Ken stops spinning, meanwhile Nek turns to Sachiko.

In the tradition of turning the events from previous scenarios into a joke, we now also have the situation where hypnotised Linda thought Nek was Ken turned into a silly little sketch like this!
Well, all's well that ends well, and with Sachiko saved from the kindapper, it really is finally time to have the wedding ceremony. For this we'll proceed on to the church in Minago!

While Nek is waiting there, the priest addresses the guests.

Sachiko and Emory enter.

Emory comes over to Ken and Linda and gives them something...
Ken received the black beastman statue!
Oh, hey, another coloured statue! Unlike the white one, this one belogs together with the others. Spoiler alert: we will actually finally use it in just a couple of minutes!

Then Hume gets up.

Finally, the priest decides to attempt to continue the ceremony!

But before she can answer...

...our friend, Dr. Oid jumps out of the well!

Ken and Linda approach.

Dr. Oid continues, unfazed.

And he just kicks them into the well.

Luckily, there's a ladder!
As we're going down, Linda has a silly comment, though.

At the bottom is what looks like just a normal cave. If we explore a bit, we find a staircase leading further down.

Going down...

...we reach a room with an inactive teleporter. But this time there's no statue to put the necklace on! We can still examine the pedestal though.
There is a black pedestal here.
Do you want to position the black beastman statue on the black pedestal?
Yes / No
I mean, it would be stupid to say no, right?
Ken places the black beastman statue on the pedestal.

Somewhat unsurpisingly, this activates the teleporter. But where does it lead? This seems a bit more serious that the teleporters we encountered so far?

Here we are at the destination. Let's go out I suppose. How bad can it really be?

Huh, well, that's interesting. The red thing is where we just came out of...
Let's check our navigation device.

That... definitely doesn't look like any part of the planet we've visited so far.
Allrighty then.
By the way, I wanted to say to definitely check out the music link above. It's probably the best theme in this game and certainly my favourite. It's pretty awesome actually.
Well then, take care and see you next time!

We ticked off a couple of bits today, but there are also new ones, so...
Find a place with lava where we can get some hot poop which could be used to revive the cherry trees in Eterna.
Find a place where we can find some pteranodon eggs which were requested by Bronco.
Go back to the place where they are digging for water and see if they managed to restore the water and to revive the dormant eggs of as yet unknown species.
Figure out what is up with the stories about the "Underground Eden".
Obtain Ziade's ring somehow from the lady in Dogy Figh.
Investigate the story about a legendary animal which only appears during heavy blizzards in the north.
Find a place where female tree frogs can be found.
Figure out how to capture aye-ayes. Apparently they can disguise themselves as humans.
Explore the "untrodden wilds".
Find the use for all the beastman statues of different colours.
Investigate what happened in Garex in the south and what was the cause of the explosion which destroyed the place.
Investigate the abandoned hotel on the coast in the southern area.
Check out the park/forest-like place that one teleporter led to.
Participate in dog fights (Dogy Figh).
Participate in hunter matches (Battle Park).

Today, Ken and Linda wearing matching outfits. Obviously, this one is from the PC Engine era.